This Functional Capacity Evaluation + Return-to-Work + Work Hardening/Conditioning Course is designed for professionals who are looking to implement or enhance a workers' comp/return-to-work rehab program. Get trained in FCEs, Functional Progress Notes, Functional Discharge Summaries, and work hardening/work conditioning. Learning outcomes include:
- Define how to implement the most comprehensive return-to-work rehab program
- Explain how to generate increased workers’ compensation rehab referrals, work conditioning referrals, and increased revenue
- Produce evidence-based, valid, and reliable return-to-work testing
- Differentiate between return-to-work testing, work hardening/conditioning, and FCEs
- Produce an actual FCE and specialty workers’ compensation progress note
- Show how to become a return-to-work specialty practice
- Implement this innovative and profitable approach in any practice
- Verbalize strategies taught to generate more revenue evaluating and treating workers’ comp patients
- Illustrate how to implement our return-to-work rehab philosophy
- List principles of return-to-work rehab and documentation
- Functional Capacity Evaluation
- Weigh various types of FCEs requested by referrals
- Determine consistency of effort and reliability of pain results
- Perform FCE musculoskeletal testing and impairment rating
- Determine return-to-work ability during FCE performance
- Evaluate non-material handling and upper extremity testing
- Classify occasional, frequent, and constant material handling
- Consider climbing, balance, sitting, and standing testing
Workers’ Compensation Progress Notes and Discharge Summaries
- Apply our progress notes and turn your practice into a return-to-work specialty clinic
- Apply skills learned through hands on implementation of these popular notes
Work Hardening/Conditioning Evaluation and Treatment
- Double your referrals and learn techniques including evaluation, treatment planning, and daily patient progression