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Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Integration

The graphic featured shows the high level data flow for OccuPro/NextGen interfaces.

NextGen diagram
Doctor using tablet

Integration Benefits

OccuPro's Software supports two-way interfacing with NextGen's EMR. By utilizing this interface, data sharing between the two programs becomes seamless and allows clinical staff to have instant access to patient demographic information from NextGen within OccuPro.

Every Functional Capacity Evaluation, Functional Progress Note, and WH/WC Evaluation is transferred back into NextGen and attached to the appropriate patient visit to expedite the billing process and ensure patient data accuracy between systems.

  • Return-on-investment in one month
  • Unlimited ROI potential
  • 100% increase in workers' comp referrals
  • 400% increase in work conditioning referrals
Learn more about NextGen

Recommended by individuals
across the globe

"OccuPro's interface improves the efficiency of our therapists, is seamless, and the overall user experience is exceptional."

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