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Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Integration

The graphic featured shows the high level data flow for OccuPro/WebPT interfaces.

HL7 diagram
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Save time and
increase revenue

OccuPro and WebPT have teamed up to deliver a seamless integrated work comp documentation system. Now you can easily determine when patients are ready to return to work and when they should enter your work hardening or work conditioning program. Thanks to this two-way integration, therapists can:

OccuPro houses workers’ comp approved initial evals, progress notes, work conditioning evaluations, and discharge summaries. These functional progress notes and functional discharge summaries replace traditional musculoskeletal progress and discharge notes, thus empowering therapists to make more informed decisions about each patient’s readiness to return to full-duty work.
Patient data flows between OccuPro and WebPT automatically, in return, there is no need for double data entry or file faxing.
On average, clinics leveraging the OccuPro and WebPT integration double their workers’ comp referrals and triple their work conditioning referrals.
Streamline FCEs and finalize reports in minutes.

Simply register the patient in WebPT and follow your typical documentation workflow. Whenever you finalize a note, the info will automatically flow to OccuPro. Then, perform your OccuPro evaluation or re-evaluation, and the corresponding documents will automatically flow back into WebPT, where they will be stored and billed.

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